Best Reviews for an Exercise Bike for Stroke Patients

Using stroke rehab equipment at home often motivates survivors to practise on a regular basis. Exercising daily helps keep the brain stimulated and encourages neuroplasticity, the mechanism the encephalon uses to rewire itself, which is key during stroke recovery.

Written exercises alone can help, but adding useful stroke rehab equipment expands the type of exercises y'all tin can exercise. To assistance y'all find the right gear, this post provides a roundup of the best stroke rehab equipment available for you to use at home.

Nosotros update this post every year to keep it fresh and relevant. All Amazon links are non-affiliate, which means we do not receive any compensation when you click on them. The products from Flint Rehab are our own. Let'south get to it!

Stroke Rehab Devices That Help Stroke Survivors Walk

About 80% of stroke survivors struggle with hemiparesis, which involves weakness on one side of the trunk. When this occurs, survivors are more prone to remainder difficulties and bug with their manner of walking (gait).

Some of the best devices that help stroke survivors walk again are those that target the feet, legs, cadre, and arm. These major musculus groups all contribute to your gait. It's a full-body chore!

If you desire to better your ability to walk, and so consider these gadgets for stroke survivors that target the legs, cadre, and perhaps more:

Stationary Recumbent Bikes

recumbent bike with back support for stroke rehab

Stationary recumbent bikes are an first-class tool for stroke survivors that desire to build up the skills necessary for walking. Bikes encourage bilateral motion, which is helpful for individuals with hemiparesis because the non-affected leg tin can aid the affected leg. Although this may feel like cheating, information technology's actually helpful for rehabilitation because it stimulates the brain.

Unlike regular stationary bikes, recumbent bikes are often a better fit for stroke survivors because they offer more than support and a gentler experience.

Shop recumbent bikes on Amazon »

FitMi Full-Torso Home Therapy

FitMi tablet with yellow and blue "pucks" for interactive stroke rehab equipment

FitMi is an interactive neurorehab tool that helps motivate yous to exercise your full-body. When you lot start your practice session, you lot get to choose which muscle groups yous want to target: legs, core, arm, and/or hand. Then, FitMi selects appropriate rehab exercises based on your power level.

FitMi has helped many survivors regain the power to walk and achieve other daily activities, like driving and typing. The device tracks your progress and "levels upward" your exercises when y'all're ready to keep you optimally challenged. It's a great fashion to stay engaged in therapy at home betwixt visits with your therapist.

Shop FitMi from Flint Rehab »

Balance Boards

balance board with textured top

When you stand on a residuum board — making sure to concord onto a table for stability when first starting out — it helps claiming your balance and target your vestibular system. These are essentials for survivors that desire to better their power to walk.

Balance boards with rocking bases, like the one shown above, offering more stability than balance boards with a unmarried point. Work your way up from one to the other, and ever be safe past using these tools with caution.

Store balance boards on Amazon »

Stability Balls

A stability brawl is a uncomplicated piece of stroke rehab equipment, and information technology's safer to use than a balance board. It's commonly used for core rehab practice; and a stiff core is essential for improving your balance and ability to walk.

Shop stability balls on Amazon »

Dumbbells and Wrist/Talocrural joint Weights

two circular wrist/ankle dumbbells for strength training

Stroke recovery isn't all most range-of-motility and mobility, though. Strength training is of import for addressing any muscle atrophy that may have occurred after long periods of inactivity.

To increase strength in your arms and legs, dumbbells and wrist weights are an affordable, uncomplicated option. Employ them to consummate upper extremity exercises to non simply stimulate the brain and encourage recovery, just to stimulate musculus growth also. Y'all can often attach wrist weights to your ankles to become double the employ from them, likewise.

Store adjustable wrist weights on Amazon »

Premium Stroke Rehab Equipment

Not all stroke survivors need premium equipment in order to encounter results. Nonetheless, premium stroke rehab gadgets can be motivating to apply, which helps encourage consistent therapy.

Since repetition and consistency are key to recovery, consider these premium stroke recovery tools to utilise at home. Information technology'southward e'er a good idea to run them by your therapist to ensure they're a good fit for you.

MusicGlove Hand Therapy

Tablet with MusicGlove software and sensorized glove on stand

MusicGlove is a music-based hand therapy device that'southward clinically proven to improve manus function within 2 weeks when used for 25 minutes a twenty-four hours. It works by motivating y'all to exercise paw therapy exercises while playing along to a musical game. During a single session, most users accomplish hundreds of repetitions, which helps stimulate the encephalon and promote neuroplasticity.

If y'all're looking for something to motivate you lot to do your hand every day, MusicGlove is the perfect fit. It also makes a groovy gift for stroke survivors because it's fun to use and some survivors even forget they're doing therapy while they use it.

Shop MusicGlove from Flint Rehab »

Arm Peddlers

Arm peddlers provide another class of bilateral exercise. This means that both your arms are moving at the same time. Sometimes the nether-desk stationary bikes can exist used as arm and leg peddlers, if you're looking for a creative way to get double the utilize out of your stroke rehab equipment.

Shop arm peddlers on Amazon »

Electric Stimulation Machine

electrical stimulation unit showing pads that affix to the skin

Electrical stimulation is an effective, evidence-based tool for stroke survivors, especially those with paralysis on one side the body (hemiplegia) or severe muscle weakness. Information technology works by attaching pads to the pare over the desired muscles and sending gentle electric stimulation, which helps the muscles contract. Information technology's a great way to introduce motion to paralyzed muscles and stimulate the brain.

Before getting started, it'due south important to work closely with your therapist to larn where to place the pads and how to safely operate the equipment. The placement is non always intuitive, so information technology'south essential to receive guidance from your therapist.

Shop electrical stimulation devices on Amazon »

Arm and Paw Stroke Rehab Equipment

After targeting larger muscle groups, it's important to target the hand and fingers. Fine motor skills are essential for accomplishing the activities of daily living such as brushing your teeth or using utensils, and there are many stroke rehab devices that can aid with these goals.

To amend arm and hand mobility, consider these useful stroke recovery tools:

Mirror Box

box with a mirrored surface on one side, covering the right hand while showing a reflection of the left hand

Mirror therapy is a hand rehabilitation method that involves using a tabletop mirror to create a reflection of your non-affected hand. When you lot practise your non-afflicted hand, it "tricks" your brain into thinking that both hands are moving, which helps spark neuroplasticity and encourage motion in the affected hand (even though you're not intentionally moving information technology).

If you struggle with hand paralysis or astringent spasticity (similar a clenched hand), mirror therapy is a swell option.

Store mirror boxes on Amazon »

Arm Skates

At first glance, arm skates may look like irksome stroke recovery tools, just they tin be helpful for increasing range-of-move past limiting the amount of work required. They are not used for strength training. Rather, they help reintroduce move to the affected arm.

Shop arm skates on Amazon »

Therapy Putty

four packages of therapy putty in different resistances: firm, medium, soft, and extra soft

Therapy putty is another popular hand therapy tool that can aid improve fine motor coordination, force, and range of motion. Some strengthening exercises involve squeezing the putty while some coordination exercises include finger extension. We cover all these exercises in our therapy putty exercise guide.

Shop therapy putty on Amazon »

Paw Exercise Assurance with Extension Add together-On

hand holding a stress ball with looks for the fingers, stretching the loops during finger extension

Typical paw exercise balls look like average stress balls, which tin can be a helpful tool during stroke recovery. For a slight upgrade, you can try these exercise assurance that also come with finger loops for finger extension, also. This helps you target both flexion and extension without skipping a beat.

Shop mitt practice assurance on Amazon »

Stroke Rehabilitation Equipment for Aphasia

Not all stroke rehab equipment is designed to assistance with move. There are tools that help with communication and cognition, too.

These tools are great for individuals with aphasia, a communication disorder, or other cerebral difficulties like poor concentration and retentiveness. But like practicing rehab exercises helps improve move, practicing cognitive exercises helps improve cognition.

Hither'southward our recommended as well for improving spoken language, advice, and cognitive skills afterwards stroke:

CT Speech & Cognitive Therapy App

tablet with CT Speech & Cognitive Therapy on the screen showing a photo of a rose under the "Picture Naming" exercise

The CT Voice communication & Cognitive Therapy App includes over 100,000 oral communication and cerebral exercises. When offset getting started, the app assesses your needs and ability level and and then assigns the appropriate exercises for you to practice. Information technology's like having a virtual spoken language therapist available any time you desire. And your own speech therapist tin can even help assign your exercises through the app!

Store the CT App from Flint Rehab »

How to Choose the Correct Equipment for You

As you lot shop around, it'south important to look for tools that you find motivating. Subsequently all, results are created through repetition and consistency. Look for devices that you can run into yourself using it every day.

Activating neuroplasticity through repetition and consequent therapy is how you lot will see lasting long-term results.

While all stroke rehab equipment aims to amend your function and mobility, non all strokes are equal. In fact, every stroke is different, which ways that every recovery will be dissimilar.

Not every stroke survivor will need everything on this list. In fact, there may only be a few items that target your unique needs. It's of import to be clear on your recovery goals so that y'all tin can choose the correct equipment.

If you feel lost, your therapist is a great resources. Y'all tin can likewise look for recovery tools that are like to the ones you used during your time with your therapist.

To assistance you notice even more than clarity, consider these questions as you look for the best stroke rehab equipment for your goals and needs:

  • Does this help me attain high repetition?
  • Can I see myself using this consistently?
  • Does this make me excited to do therapy?

If something ticks all these boxes, it will brand a smashing investment on the road to recovery.

It's Fourth dimension to Shop!

We hope this roundup of stroke rehab equipment helped you notice the right tools for your recovery. Whether you go large with a recumbent bike and eastward-stim, or whether yous go small with some simple therapy putty, they will all help if you use them regularly. Of form, we likewise hope there'due south some fun in your future with Flint Rehab's gamified neurorehabilitation devices.

Any yous choose, we hope it makes you excited to exercise therapy. That'south how you volition see the all-time results.


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